contrary to the teachings and canon law of the Mar Thoma Church, by clergy, deacon, employees, lay
persons, and volunteers in which any person is forced to perform or submit to a sexual act. Such
misconduct encompasses a range of behavior used to obtain sexual gratification against another’s will
or at the expense of another. Sexual Misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and any
conduct of a sexual nature that is without consent, or has the effect of threatening or intimidating the
person against whom such conduct is directed, including those acts defined and punishable by appli-
cable laws.
Sexual Abuse/Harassment: Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors and other
visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature with minors or vulnerable adults with the intent
of taking advantage of those who are not able to give consent or any such acts as defined and punish-
able under applicable laws, conducted by clergy, deacon, employees, laity, and volunteers.
Harassment: Targeting someone, with behavior meant to alarm, annoy, torment, or terrorize, and
creating reasonable fear in the victim for their safety or the safety of their family or property. Harass-
ment could take many forms, such as online harassment, sexual harassment, threats, or stalking.
Sometimes it can include a threat of damage to the victim's property, home, or car. It may also include
bullying of persons, especially children, youths, and vulnerable adults.
Abuse and Neglect: Physical abuse is the intentional use of physical force that can result in physical
injury, including hitting, kicking, shaking, burning, or other shows of force against any person, in-
cluding minor children, youth and vulnerable adults. Emotional abuse refers to behaviors that harm a
person’s self-worth or emotional well-being, which includes name-calling, shaming, rejection, with-
holding love, and threatening. Neglect is the failure to meet a person’s basic physical and emotional
needs, including failure to provide housing, food, clothing, education, and access to medical care or
any such acts as defined and punishable under applicable laws, conducted by clergy, deacon, employ-
ees, laity, and volunteers.
Misconduct: Includes misconduct of any nature including sexual misconduct, sexual abuse/harass-
ment, harassment, and/or abuse and neglect.
Covered Entities: The Diocese, Diocesan organizations, regional and center organizations, Parishes
and Congregations, its organizations including VBS, camps and retreats and mission tours conducted
by any of the above-mentioned entities.
Adaptability: The Suggested Guidelines and documents included in this publication are provided
only as model guidelines and samples of documents to be used in hypothetical situations and may
need to be modified to apply to the specific situation of any Non-Diocesan level organizations, insti-
tution, parish and/or congregation and its organizations, VBS, camps, retreats and mission tours in-
cluding any activities conducted by above - mentioned entities to suit their specific needs and to
comply with any applicable State and Federal laws in force.