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I. Name of the Organization
This organization will be known as the Mar Thoma Sunday School of the Diocese of
North America & Europe and will function as an official organization of the Diocese of
North America & Europe of the Mar Thoma Church. This organization is affiliated to the
Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam whose Head Quarters is in Thiruvalla, Kerala,
II. Objectives
1. To work as the Christian Education Department of the Mar Thoma Church.
2. To help youngsters to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to help them
grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
3. To equip youngsters for Christian fellowship and worship life.
4. To facilitate youngsters to develop loyalty to church and participate in the growth of
various organizations and institutions in the church
5. To equip youngsters to participate in the mission of the church
6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, discuss and plan VBS and
other programs of the Sunday school unit etc. to create in youngsters an interest in
Bible study, faith and practice of the church, history of the church and ecumenical
7. To train and equip teachers to teach effectively and in accordance with biblical
8. To write and publish material for both teachers and students
9. To start and function educational institutions
10. To provide Sunday School curriculum suitable for students from ages to 17
years or 12
grade. Parish Sunday School should follow the curriculum approved by
the Diocese.
To accomplish the above objectives, Sunday School units are formed in all the parishes.
III. Organizational Set-up
For the effective functioning of the organization, the Sunday School is divided into
Parish Units, Centers, Regions and Diocese.
1. Membership
The members of Sunday School are Vicars, Asst. Vicars, Sunday School
superintendents, teachers and all children of ages up to 17 years or 12th grade.
Special Post-graduate classes shall be arranged for the future leaders and Sunday
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School Teachers as per the curriculum approved by the Diocesan Sunday School
Council. Those who lose primary membership in the organization will also lose
membership in all administrative bodies of the organization
2. Parish Unit
a. The Vicar, Asst. Vicar, Superintendent and teachers of the Sunday School will
constitute the General Body.
b. Parish Administration of the Sunday School
1) Vicar shall be the President. The Vicar can delegate the responsibility to the
Assistant Vicar as and when needed. The Superintendent shall be the Vice
President. The Secretary, Treasurer and two Auditors shall be elected from
the Sunday School General Body. The term of the office bearers and auditors
shall be one year.
2) The Vicar in consultation with the Sunday School teachers shall appoint the
Superintendent. Term of the Superintendent shall be three years, and may be
reappointed up to a maximum of 6 years (two terms).
3) The Superintendent has to be a teacher of the Parish/Congregation, and
should have at least 5 years of Sunday school teaching experience in the
4) As per the size of the parish, committee members also shall be elected from
the Sunday School General Body.
5) A representative to the Region from each Parish Sunday School shall be
elected for a term of three years. It can be either the superintendent or a
teacher 24 years old or above with at least 5 years of teaching experience.
6) Teachers shall be appointed jointly by the Superintendent and the Vicar.
Teachers have to be communicant members of the parish/congregation,
having good moral character, and have received Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior and who participate regularly in worship and communion
services. They shall complete the TeachersTraining course, if they have not
done so.
7) The Superintendent and teachers are expected to sign the covenant form at
the time of appointment, and renew it every year at the time of dedication.
1. The Superintendent and teachers are not allowed to continue in their
positions without having a minimum of 70% attendance and sufficient
reasons for absence.
2. Superintendent and teachers shall retire at the age of 70. If they
complete 70 years before the end of the year, they shall continue in
service till the end of the academic year.
8) The following records shall be kept in the Sunday school:
a. Sunday School Register
b. Student and Teachers Attendance Register
c. Visitor Book
d. Minutes Book
e. Correspondence file
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f. Account Books, Checkbooks and all other documents related to the
Items in 8) a, b, and c shall be under the custody of the Superintendent.
Items in 8) d and e shall be under the custody of the Secretary.
Items in 8) f shall be under the custody of the Treasurer.
3. Center Sunday School General Body
The Parish Sunday Schools of a Center of the Diocese will form the Center Sunday
a. Membership
The Center Sunday School General Body shall consist of all the Vicars of the
Parishes, Assistant Vicars, and clergy with official responsibilities in the Center like
Youth Chaplain, Superintendents, Sunday School teachers, Regional Coordinator,
and the Diocesan Sunday School Secretary if he/she belongs to that particular
b. Term of the Central Sunday School General body
The term of the Central General Body shall be for three years co terminus with the
Diocesan Assembly. The General Body should meet at least once a year to approve
and pass the annual report, annual audited accounts, budget, and to chalk out
c. Center Committee
The Center Committee consists of the Center President (Clergy-Active), Vice
Presidents (all the Vicars of the parishes and Youth Chaplains in the center), Center
Secretary, Center Treasurer, and a representative to the Regional Committee,
Regional Coordinator Superintendent and the Secretaries of the Parish Sunday
Schools of the Center. The Center Secretary shall be at least 24 years old and have a
minimum of 5 years teaching experience.
The Center Committee office bearers and a representative to the regional
Committee shall be elected by the Center General Body. Diocesan Bishop will
appoint the Regional Coordinator. Two Auditors (non - committee members) shall
be elected from the Center General Body to audit the accounts and their term shall
be for three years.
The Center Committee shall meet at least two times a year. The term of the Center
Sunday school Committee shall be for three years co-terminus with the Diocesan
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d. Duties of the Center Committee
1) To execute the decisions of the General Body
2) To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trips
and other appropriate programs in the Center level.
3) To initiate projects and programs.
4) To initiate, plan and execute fund raising programs for Center activities.
4. Regional Sunday School General Body
The Centers of the Diocese will form the Regional Sunday School. Each Region
should have its own General Body and shall function independently under the
guidance and direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
a. Membership
All Center Sunday School Presidents, Clergy with official responsibilities (like
Youth Chaplain), Regional Coordinator, Center Secretaries, Center Treasurers,
Sunday School Superintendents and an elected representative from each Sunday
School of the respective region.
b. Term of the Regional Sunday School General Body
The term of the Regional General Body shall be for three years co-terminus with
the Diocesan Assembly. The General Body should meet at least once a year to
approve and pass the annual report, annual audited accounts, budget, and to
chalk out programs.
c. Regional Committee
The Regional Committee, which comprises of the Clergy President (appointed by
the Diocesan Episcopa), Lay Vice-President, Regional Coordinator, Regional
Secretary, Regional Treasurer and the Center Secretaries and the elected
representative from each Center to the Regional Committee.
The Regional Lay Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the
Regional General Body. Two Auditors (noncommittee members) shall be
elected from the Regional General Body.
The term of the office bearers shall be for three years co-terminus with the
Diocesan Assembly. The Regional Committee shall meet at least two times a year.
d. Duties of the Regional Committee
a. To execute the decisions of the Regional General Body
b. To organize Regional conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, and
other appropriate programs.
c. To initiate projects and programs
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e. Responsibilities of the Regional Coordinator
The Diocesan Bishop shall appoint the Regional Coordinators in consultation
with the Council of the Diocesan Sunday School. He or she shall be a Sunday
School teacher and will have representation in the center Committee, Regional
committee and in the assembly of the Diocesan Sunday School. The Regional
Coordinator’s functions are:
i. To Visit Sunday Schools periodically and provide necessary assistance,
suggestions, guidance and encouragement to teachers and students.
ii. Provide help in conducting teachers workshop and to conduct VBS in the
parish level
iii. Assess advice and encourage compliance with the Diocesan directives in
iv. Ensure that proper records are kept in each Sunday School of the region.
v. Provide written reports and observation to the Diocesan Bishop marking
a copy to the Diocesan Sunday school Secretary, and respective local
f. Regional President
The President will guide the activities and give advice for the smooth
functioning of the organization.
g. Lay Vice President
In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President can preside over the
meetings, as per the direction of the President.
h. Regional Secretary
Regional Secretary shall be at least 24 years old and have a minimum of 5
years teaching experience. He/She will be the Secretary of the General Body
and the Regional Committee. The Secretary will present the annual report,
keep the records, and do the correspondences. When conveners are not
elected for sub-committees, the Regional Secretary will be the convener for
those sub-committees and the Regional office bearers shall be ex-officio
member of sub-committees.
i. Regional Treasurer
The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and annual budget in
the General Body. Treasurer will do the money transactions as per the
directives of the General Body.
The term of the Regional Committee will be for three years co-terminus with the
Diocesan Assembly.
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5. Assembly of Diocesan Sunday School
Assembly of Diocesan Sunday School consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan
Secretary (ex-officio), Regional Presidents (clergy), Regional Secretaries, Regional
Treasurers, Regional Coordinators and two members nominated by the Diocesan
The functions of the assembly are:
a. To coordinate the activities of the regions and to organize programs in the
Diocesan level.
b. To arrange programs and to vitalize Sunday Schools in Parish, and Regional
c. To meet at least once a year to consider and pass the accounts budget and report
and to chalk out programs.
d. The Assembly of the Diocesan Sunday School shall approve the report, budget,
and accounts by circulation and mail vote.
6. Council of Diocesan Sunday School
The Council of Diocesan Sunday School consists of the Diocesan Bishop,
Diocesan Secretary (ex-officio), Diocesan Vice President (clergy) appointed by
the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Sunday School Secretary, Diocesan Sunday
School Treasurer and the Diocesan Assembly Member. The term will be for
three years.
a. The Diocesan Sunday school Assembly will elect the Diocesan Sunday school
Secretary, Treasurer and the representative to the Diocesan Assembly. The
same person cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms.
b. Two Auditors (noncommittee members) shall be elected from the Assembly
of Diocesan Sunday School to audit the accounts.
c. The term of the Assembly and the Council of Diocesan Sunday School will be
for three years co-terminus with the Diocesan Assembly. The Diocesan
Sunday School Council shall meet at least two times a year.
d. The Council shall be responsible to conduct the Diocesan Sunday School
tests, evaluating the answer papers, as well as for preparing and selecting the
syllabus /curriculum for Sunday School and VBS.
IV. Finance and Source of Income
a. Parishes are encouraged to fully fund the Sunday School activities through the
annual budget of the respective parish. The Sunday School may raise funds for
special needs as necessary.
b. On the parish level Superintendent and the Treasurer shall open and operate a bank
account jointly.
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c. The collection of the funds by the Diocesan Sunday School and its disbursement will
be guided by the Diocesan Episcopa (in consultation with the members of the
council of the Diocesan Sunday School).
d. Each parish Sunday School can use its income for its support and that of the center
V. Quorum and Vacancies
1. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the total
2. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective bodies by
election or nomination, for the remaining term.
VI. General Matters:
In matters, which are not mentioned in the by-laws and are in disputes, the directive of the
Diocesan Episcopa shall be final.
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I. Name of the Organization
This organization will be known as the Mar Thoma Youth Fellowship of the Diocese of
North America & Europe and will function as an official organization of the Diocese of
North America & Europe of the Mar Thoma Church.
II. Objectives
1. To help the youth of the Mar Thoma Church to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and
2. To help youth to grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
3. To equip youth for Christian fellowship and worship life.
4. To facilitate youth to develop loyalty to the church and participate in the growth of
various organizations and institutions of the church.
5. To equip youth to participate in the mission of the church.
6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, mission tours etc. to create
in youth interest in bible studies, faith and practices of the church, history of the
church and ecumenical relationships.
To accomplish the above objectives, Youth Fellowship units are formed in all the
III. Organizational Set-up
For the effective functioning of the organization, the Youth Fellowship is divided into
Parish Units, Centers, Regions and Diocese.
A. Membership
Vicar, Assistant Vicar, Youth Chaplain and Members of the Mar Thoma Church who
are 13 years old as on January 1
and up to 35 years old and willing to sign the
application form, and fulfill the above objectives will be the members of the Youth
Fellowship. A membership register will be kept in the parish. Those who lose
primary membership in the organization will also lose their membership in all the
administrative bodies of the organization. A copy of the membership list signed by
the Vicar should be given to the Diocesan Office, latest by January 15, every year.
B. Parish Unit
1. The Vicar, Assistant Vicar, clergy in active service like Youth Chaplain and all the
members of the Youth Fellowship will form the General Body of the parish unit.
The Vicar, or Assistant Vicar delegated by the Vicar, will be the President. The
General Body should approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and budget.
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2. Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the
General Body. (If the secretary is a male, the Joint Secretary should be a female
and vice versa).
3. Committee members are elected from the General Body as per the need and size
of the parish.
4. Representative/s to the Region from each Parish (one representative up to 150
members and two representatives above 150 members) is/are to be elected
from the General Body for a term of three years.
5. Two Auditors (non-committee members) are elected from the General Body to
audit the accounts.
6. The term of the committee and auditors shall be for one year.
7. If necessary, a Youth Adviser may be appointed by the vicar, who also will be a
member of the committee
8. No member, except the President, shall hold the same post for more than three
consecutive years.
C. Center Youth Fellowship
1. General Body
The Parish Units of a Center of the Diocese will form the Center Youth
Fellowship. Each Center shall have its own General Body comprising of
members of Youth Fellowship of the parishes under the Center.
2. Duties of the General Body
a) To elect the office bearers of the center.
b) To approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and budget.
3. Center Committee
a) The Center Committee will comprise of all the Vicars and other clergy in
active service in the Center, Secretaries and Joint Secretaries of the parishes
of the Youth Fellowship of the Center and the office bearers of the Center
Committee and the representative to the Regional Committee.
b) Office Bearers shall be elected from the General Body of the center. They are
the President (clergy), Vice-President (lay), Secretary, Joint Secretary and
Treasurer. (If the Secretary is a male, the Joint Secretary should be a female
and vice versa.)
c) A representative to the Regional Committee shall be elected from the General
Body of the Center.
d) Two Auditors (non-committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
e) The term of the Center office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
4. Duties of Center Committee
1) To execute the decisions of the General Body.
2) To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trips
and other appropriate programs.
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3) To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan
4) To present the reports, audited accounts, and budget in the General Body for
5) President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
6) Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as per the direction of the President.
7) Secretary: Center Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body and
the Center Committee. The Secretary will present the annual report; keep
records, and conduct correspondence.
8) Joint Secretary. Shall work along with the Secretary and shall discharge the
duties of the secretary in his/her absence as per the instruction of the
9) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will conduct money
transactions as per the directive of the General Body.
D. Regional Youth Fellowship
The Centers of the Region will constitute the Regional Youth Fellowship. Each
Region shall have its own General Body and shall function under the guidance and
direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
a. Membership
Regional general body comprise of The Presidents of the Centers (Clergy), Vice
Presidents of the Centers (Lay-persons), Vicars, Clergy with official
responsibilities (like Youth Chaplain), Center Youth Fellowship Secretaries and
Joint Secretaries, Parish Youth Fellowship Secretaries and Joint secretaries, and
Representative/s to the Region from each parish (one representative for up to
150 members and two representatives for above 150 members). The term of the
Regional General Body shall be for three years co-terminus with the Diocesan
b. Duties of the General Body
a) To approve and pass annual report, annual audited accounts, and budget.
b) To elect the Regional office bearers and committee.
c) To chalk out programs.
c. Regional Committee
(a) The Regional Committee, which comprises of the President (Clergy -
appointed by Diocesan Bishop), Vice-President (Lay - elected by General
Body), Regional Secretary (elected by General Body), Regional Joint Secretary
(elected by the General Body) (If the Secretary is a male, the Joint secretary
should be a female and vice versa), Regional Treasurer (elected by General
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Body), Center Secretaries, and the elected Regional Representative from each
(b) Two Auditors (non-committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
(c) The term of the Regional office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
(d) The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
d. Duties of the Regional Committee
1. To execute the decisions of the General Body
2. To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trip
and other appropriate programs
3. To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan Bishop
4. President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
5. Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as per the direction of the President.
6. Regional Secretary: Regional Secretary will be the Secretary of the General
Body and the Regional Committee. When conveners are not elected for sub-
committees, the Regional Secretary will be the convener for those sub-
committees. The Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records,
and conduct correspondence.
7. Regional Joint Secretary: In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary
shall discharge the duties as per the instruction of the president.
8. Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will conduct money
transactions as per the directive of the General Body.
E. Diocesan Youth Fellowship
The Regions of the Diocese will constitute the Diocesan Youth Fellowship. It will
have a General Body and a Council functioning under the guidance and direction of
the Diocesan Bishop.
i. Assembly of Diocesan Youth Fellowship
The General Body of the Assembly of Diocesan Youth Fellowship will consist of
the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary, Regional Presidents (Clergy), Youth
Chaplains in the Region, Regional Vice Presidents (Lay), Regional Secretaries,
Regional Joint Secretaries, Regional Treasurers, and two members nominated by
the Diocesan Bishop.
ii. Duties of the Assembly of Diocesan Youth Fellowship
a) To elect the Council of Diocesan Youth Fellowship
b) To approve the report, accounts and budget by circulation and mail vote.
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iii. Council of Diocesan Youth Fellowship
a) Consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (Ex-officio), the Vice
President (Clergy - appointed by the Diocesan Bishop), Diocesan Secretary of
the Youth Fellowship, Diocesan Joint Secretary of the Youth Fellowship,
Diocesan Treasurer of the Youth Fellowship, and the representative to the
Diocesan Assembly elected by the Assembly of Diocesan Youth Fellowship. (If
the Secretary is a male, the Joint secretary should be a female and vice versa.)
b) The Assembly of the Youth Fellowship will elect two Auditors (non-
committee members) to audit the accounts.
c) The term of the Assembly of the Diocesan Youth Fellowship and Youth
Fellowship Council will be for three years co-terminus with the Diocesan
d) No member shall hold the same post for more than two consecutive terms.
iv. Duties of the Council of Diocesan Youth Fellowship
a) To coordinate the activities and to organize programs on a national level.
b) To take steps to vitalize Parish, Center and Regional units
c) President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
d) Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as per the direction of the President.
e) Secretary: Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body (Assembly of
Diocesan Youth Fellowship) and the Council of the Diocesan Youth
Fellowship. When conveners are not elected for sub-committees, the
Secretary will be the convener for those sub-committees. The Secretary will
present the annual report, keep the records, and conduct correspondence.
f) Joint Secretary: Joint Secretary shall discharge the duties of the Diocesan
Secretary in his/her absence, as per the instruction of the president.
g) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body (Assembly of Diocesan Youth Fellowship).
Treasurer will conduct money transactions as per the directive of the General
IV. Quorum and Vacancies
1. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the
total members.
2. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective bodies by
election or nomination, for the remaining term.
V. General Matters
a. Each region will have to pay a fixed amount as directed by the Diocesan Episcopa to
the Diocesan Youth Fellowship.
b. In matters, which are not mentioned in the by-laws and are in dispute, the directive
of the Diocesan Episcopa will be final.
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I. Name of the Organization
This organization will be known as the Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam of the Diocese of
North America & Europe and will function as an official organization of the Diocese of
North America & Europe of the Mar Thoma Church. This organization is affiliated to the
Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam (MTYS) whose Head Quarters is in Thiruvalla, Kerala,
II. Objectives
1. To help the youth of the Mar Thoma Church to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and
2. To help youth to grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ
3. To equip youth for Christian fellowship and worship life.
4. To facilitate youth to develop loyalty to the church and participate in the growth of
various organizations and institutions of the church
5. To equip youth to participate in the mission of the church
6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, mission tours etc. to create
interest in youth members in bible studies, faith and practices of the church, history
of the church and ecumenical relationships.
To accomplish the above objectives, Yuvajana Sakhyam units are formed in all parishes.
III. Organizational Set-up
For the effective functioning of the organization, the Yuvajana Sakhyam is divided into
Parish Units, Centers, Regions and Diocese.
A. Membership
Vicar, Assistant Vicar and Members of the Mar Thoma Church who are 13 and up to
35 years of age as on March 31
can be the members of the MTYS. In addition, those
above 35 years can be members of Yuvajana Sakhyam, but not exceeding 25% of the
above number. They should be willing to sign the application form (fee if necessary,
can be decided by the Parish) and fulfill the above objectives. The Parish Unit has to
be registered with the MTYS, Thiruvalla, which will make the members eligible to be
elected to the various offices at the Parish, Center, Region and Diocesan levels. A
membership register will be kept in the Parish. A copy of the membership list will be
given to the Diocesan Office before March 1
every year. Those who lose primary
membership in the organization will also lose their membership in all the
administrative bodies of the organization.
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B. Parish Unit
1. The Vicar, Assistant Vicar, and other active clergy in the parish, and all the
members of the Yuvajana Sakhyam will form the General Body of the Parish
unit. The Vicar or Assistant Vicar, delegated by the Vicar will be the
President. The General Body should approve the annual reports, audited
accounts, and budget.
2. Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from
the General Body. (If the Secretary is a male, the Joint Secretary must be a
female and vice versa)
3. Committee members are elected as per the need and size of the Parish from
the General Body.
4. Two auditors (non-committee members) are elected from the General Body
to audit the accounts.
5. The term of the committee and auditors shall be for one year.
6. Representative/s to the Region from each parish (one representative up to
150 members and two representatives above 150 members) is/are to be
elected from the General Body for a term of three years. No member, except
the President, shall hold the same post for more than three consecutive
C. Center Yuvajana Sakhyam
The Parish Units of a Center of the Diocese will form the Center Yuvajana Sakhyam.
1. General Body
The Parish Units of a Center of the Diocese will form the Center Yuvajana
Sakhyam. Each Center should have its own General Body comprising of
members of Yuvajana Sakhyam of the parishes under the Center.
2. Duties of the General Body
a) To elect the office bearers of the Center
b) To approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and budget
3. Center Committee
1. All the Vicars, Assistant Vicars, and clergy in active service in the Center,
Secretaries and Joint Secretaries of the registered parish Yuvajana Sakhyam
of the Center and the office bearers form the Center Committee. These office
bearers, President (Clergy), Vice-President (Lay), Secretary, Joint Secretary
and Treasurer are elected from the General Body. (If the Secretary is a male,
the Joint secretary should be a female and vice versa.)
2. A representative to the Regional Committee shall be elected from the
General Body.
3. Two Auditors (non-committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
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4. The term of the Center office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
4. Duties of Center Committee
1. To execute the decisions of the General Body
2. To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trips
and other appropriate programs.
3. To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan
4. To present the reports, audited accounts, and budget in the General Body for
5. President: The President will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
6. Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
7. Center Secretary: Center Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body
and the Center Committee. The Secretary will present the annual report,
keep the records, and conduct correspondence.
8. Center Joint Secretary. Shall discharge the duties of the Secretary in his/her
absence, as per the instruction of the president.
9. Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will conduct the money
transaction as per the directive of the General Body.
D. Regional Yuvajana Sakhyam
The Centers of the Region will constitute the Regional Yuvajana Sakhyam. Each
Region shall have its own General Body and shall function under the guidance and
direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
1. Membership
Regional General Body members include Center Presidents (Clergy), Center Vice
presidents (Lay), Vicars, Achens with official responsibilities (like Youth
Chaplain), Center Yuvajana Sakhyam Secretaries, Joint Secretaries, Parish
Yuvajana Sakhyam Secretaries, Joint Secretaries and Representative/s from each
parish (one representative up to 150 members and two representatives above
150 members).
2. Term of Office
The term of the Regional General Body will be for three years corresponding to
the term of the Diocesan Assembly. The General Body should meet once a year.
(a) To approve and pass annual report, annual audited accounts, and budget
(b) To elect the Regional office bearers and committee
(c) To chalk out programs
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3. Regional Committee
(a) The Regional Committee, which comprises of the President (Clergy -
appointed by Diocesan Bishop), Vice-President (Lay person - elected by
General Body), Regional Secretary (elected by General Body), Regional Joint
secretary (elected by the General body), Regional Treasurer (elected by
General Body), Center Secretaries, Center Joint Secretaries and the elected
representative from each center. (If the Secretary is a male, the Joint secretary
should be a female and vice versa.)
(b) Two Auditors (non-committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts
(c) The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
4. Duties of the Regional Committee
(a) To execute the decisions of the General Body
(b) To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trip
and other appropriate programs
(c) To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan Bishop
(d) President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
(e) Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
(f) Regional Secretary: Regional Secretary will be the Secretary of the General
Body and the Regional Committee. When conveners are not elected for sub-
committees, the Regional Secretary will be the convener for those sub-
committees. The Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records,
and conduct the correspondence.
(g) Regional Joint Secretary. Shall discharge the duties of the Regional
Secretary in his/her absence as per the instruction of the president.
(h) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will conduct money
transactions as per the directive of the General Body.
E. Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam
The Regions of the Diocese will constitute the Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam. It has a
General Body and a Council which function under the guidance and direction of the
Diocesan Bishop.
1. Assembly of Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam
Assembly of Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan
Secretary, Regional Presidents (Clergy), Regional Vice Presidents (Lay), Regional
Secretaries, Regional Joint Secretaries, Regional Treasurers and two members
nominated by the Diocesan Bishop.
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2. Duties of the Assembly of Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam
(a) To elect the Council of Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam
(b) To approve the report, budget, and accounts by circulation and mail vote
3. Council of Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam
(a) Consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (Clergy, Ex-officio), the
Vice President (Clergy) appointed by the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan
Secretary of the Yuvajana Sakhyam, Diocesan Joint Secretary of the Yuvajana
Sakhyam, Diocesan Treasurer of the Yuvajana Sakhyam, and the
representative to the Diocesan Assembly elected by the Assembly of
Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam. (If the Secretary is a male, the Joint secretary
should be a female and vice versa.)
(b) The Assembly of the Yuvajana Sakhyam shall elect two auditors to audit the
(c) The term of the Assembly and Council will be for three years co terminus
with the Diocesan Assembly.
(d) No member shall hold the same post for more than two consecutive terms.
4. Duties of the Council of Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam
(a) To coordinate the activities of the Regions and to organize programs on a
national level.
(b) To take steps to vitalize Parish, Center and Regional units.
(c) President: The President will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
(d) Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
(e) Secretary: Secretary will be the Secretary of the Assembly of Diocesan
Yuvajana Sakhyam (General Body) and of the Diocesan Council. When
conveners are not elected for sub-committees, the Secretary will be the
convener for those sub-committees. The Secretary will present the annual
report, keep the records, and conduct correspondence.
(f) Joint Secretary. Shall discharge the duties of the Secretary in his/her
absence, as per the instruction of the president.
(g) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body (Assembly of Diocesan Yuvajana
Sakhyam). Treasurer will conduct money transactions as per the directive of
the General Body.
IV. Quorum & Vacancies
1. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the
total members.
2. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective bodies by
election or nomination, for the remaining term
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V. General Matters
1. Each Region will have to pay a fixed amount as directed by the Diocesan Bishop
to the Diocesan Yuvajana Sakhyam Council and committee will pass the
2. In matters which are not mentioned in the by-laws and are in dispute, the
directive of the Diocesan Episcopa will be final.
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I. Name of the Organization:
This organization will be known as the Mar Thoma Young Families Fellowship of the
Diocese of North America & Europe.
II. Objectives:
1. To help the Young Families of the Mar Thoma Church to accept Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Savior.
2. To help Young Families to grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ
3. To equip Young Families for Christian fellowship and worship life.
4. To facilitate Young Families to develop loyalty to the church and participate in the
growth of various organizations and institutions of the church.
5. To equip Young Families to participate in the mission of the church.
6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, etc. to create in Young
Families interest in bible studies, faith and practice of the church, history of the
church and ecumenical relationships.
To accomplish the above objectives, Young Families Fellowship units are to be formed
in all the parishes.
III. Organizational Set-up:
For the effective functioning of the organization, the Young Families Fellowship is
divided into Parish, Centers, Regions, and Diocese.
A. Membership
Vicar, Assistant Vicar and Members of the Mar Thoma Church who are married, and
between 35 to 55 years of age and willing to sign the membership application
(membership fee if necessary can be decided by the organization) and fulfill the above
objectives will be the members of the Young Families Fellowship. A copy of the
membership list signed by the vicar should be sent to the Diocesan Office before
March 1
every year. Those who lose primary membership in the organization will
also lose their membership in all administrative bodies of the organization.
B. Parish Unit
All the members of the Young Families Fellowship will form the General Body and the
Vicar/Asst. Vicar or any clergy in active service delegated by the vicar will be the
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President. The General Body should approve the annual reports, audited accounts,
and budget. The following committee members will be elected from the General Body.
a. Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer shall be elected from the General Body.
b. Committee members are elected as per the need and size of the parish from the
General Body.
c. Two Auditors (non- committee members) are elected from the General Body to
audit the accounts.
d. The term of the committee and auditors shall be for one year.
e. Representative/s to the Region from each parish (one representative up to 150
members and two representatives above 150 members) is/are to be elected
from the General Body for a term of three years.
C. Center Young Families Fellowship
1. General Body
The parish units of the Center of the Diocese will form the Center Young Families
Fellowship. Each center should have its own General Body comprising of
members of Young Families Fellowship of the parishes under the center.
2. Duties of the General Body:
a. To elect the office bearers of the center.
b. To approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and budget.
3. Center Committee:
The Center Committee, which comprises of all the Vicars, Asst. Vicars, Active
Clergy in that center and Secretaries of the parishes of the Young Families
Fellowship of the Center and the office bearers of the Center Committee and the
representative to the Regional Committee.
1. Office Bearers shall be elected from the General Body of the center. They are
President (clergy), Vice-President (lay), Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. A representative to the Regional Committee shall be elected from the General
Body of the Center.
3. Two Auditors (non- committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
4. The term of the Center office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
4. Duties of Center Committee:
1) To execute the decisions of the General Body
2) To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, and other
appropriate programs.
3) To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan Bishop.
4) To present the reports, audited accounts, and budget in the General Body
for approval.
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5) President: The President will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
6) Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
7) Secretary: Center Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body and
the Center Committee. The Secretary will present the annual report, keep
the records, and do the correspondence.
8) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will do the money
transactions as per the directives of the General Body.
D. Regional Young Families Fellowship
Different Centers of the Diocese will constitute the Regional Young Families
Fellowship. Each Region shall have its own General Body and shall function under
the guidance and direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
1. Membership:
The Presidents of the centers (Clergy), Vice Presidents of the centers (Lay-
persons), Vicars, Clergy with official responsibilities (like Youth Chaplain),
Center Young Families Fellowship Secretaries, Parish Young Families Fellowship
Secretaries, Representatives from each parish to the Region (one representative
up to 150 families and two representatives above 150 families).
2. Term of Office:
The term of the Regional General Body shall be for three years corresponding to
the term of the Diocesan Assembly. The General Body shall meet once a year.
3. Duties of the Regional General Body
a. To approve and pass annual report, annual audited accounts, and budget.
b. To elect the regional office bearers and committee.
c. To chalk out programs.
4. Regional Committee:
a. The Regional Committee, which comprises of the President (Clergy -
appointed by Diocesan Bishop), Vice-President (Lay - elected by General
Body), Regional Secretary (elected by General Body), Regional Treasurer
(elected by General Body), Center Secretaries and the elected Regional
representative from each center.
b. Two Auditors (non- committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
c. The term of the Regional office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
d. The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
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5. Duties of the Regional Committee:
1. To execute the decisions of the General Body
2. To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, and other
appropriate programs.
3. To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan Bishop
6. President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the smooth
functioning of the organization.
7. Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
8. Regional Secretary: Regional Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body
and the Regional Committee. When conveners are not elected for sub-committees,
the Regional Secretary will be the convener for those sub-committees. The
Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records, and do the
9. Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and annual
budget in the General Body. Treasurer will do the money transactions as per the
directives of the General Body.
E. Diocesan Young Families Fellowship
Different Regions of the Diocese together will constitute Assembly of Diocesan
Young Families Fellowship. It has a General Body and Council that function under
the guidance direction of the Diocesan Bishop. The term of the Diocesan Assembly of
the Young Families Fellowship will be for three years co terminus with the Diocesan
1. Assembly of Diocesan Young Families Fellowship:
The Assembly of Young Families Fellowship consists of the Diocesan Bishop,
Diocesan Secretary (Ex. Officio), Regional Presidents (Clergy) Regional lay Vice
presidents, Regional Secretaries, Regional Treasurers and two members nominated
by the Diocesan Bishop.
2. Duties of the Diocesan Young Families Fellowship:
a) To elect the Council of Diocesan Young Families Fellowship
b) The General Body (Assembly of Young Families Fellowship) shall approve the
report, budget, and accounts by circulation and mail vote.
3. Diocesan Council of Young Families Fellowship:
Consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (Ex. Officio), the Vice President
(Clergy) appointed by the Diocesan Bishop. Diocesan Assembly will elect (all
Page | 24
elections are by mail vote) the Diocesan Secretary of the Young Families Fellowship
and Diocesan Treasurer of Diocesan Young Families Fellowship. Two Auditors (non
committee members) shall be elected from the Assembly to audit the accounts.
The term of the Assembly and Council of Young Families Fellowship will be for three
years co terminus with the Diocesan Assembly. No member shall hold the same post
for more than two consecutive terms.
4. Duties of the Diocesan Council of Young Families Fellowship:
a. To coordinate the activities of the Regions and to organize programs on a
national level.
b. To take steps to vitalize Parish, Center and Regional units.
i. President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the smooth
functioning of the organization.
ii. Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
iii. Secretary: Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body and Diocesan
Council of Young Families Fellowship. When conveners are not elected for sub-
committees, the Secretary will be the convener for those sub-committees. The
Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records, and do the
iv. Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and annual
budget in the General Body (Young Families Fellowship). Treasurer will do the
money transactions as per the directives of the General Body.
F. Quorum and Vacancies
1. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the
total members.
2. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective bodies by
election or nomination, for the remaining term.
G. General Matters
1. Each Region will have to pay a fixed amount as directed by the Diocesan Bishop
to the Diocesan Young Families Fellowship.
2. In matters, which are not mentioned in the by-laws and on disputes, the directive
of the Diocesan Episcopa will be final.
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I. Name of the Organization:
This organization will be known as the Mar Thoma Suvisesha Sevika Sanghom of the
Diocese of North America and Europe and will function as an official organization of the
Diocese of North America & Europe of the Mar Thoma Church. This organization is
affiliated to the Mar Thoma Suvisesha Sevika Sanghom whose Head Quarters is in
Thiruvalla, Kerala, India.
II. Objectives:
1. To help the women of the Mar Thoma Church to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord
and Savior
2. To help women to grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ
3. To equip women for Christian fellowship, worship life, and authentic family life.
4. To facilitate women to develop loyalty to church and participate in the growth of
various organizations and institutions in the church
5. To equip women to participate in the mission of the church
6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, etc. to create in women
interest in bible studies, faith and practice of the church, history of the church and
ecumenical relations.
To accomplish the above objectives, Sevika Sanghom units are formed in all the
III. Organizational Set-up:
For the effective function of the organization the Sevika Sanghom is divided into Parish
units, Centers, Regions, and Diocese
A. Membership:
Vicar, Assistant Vicar, and, women members of the Mar Thoma Church who are 18 and
above and willing to fulfill the above objectives will be the members of the Sevika
Sanghom. As per the direction the Secretary should prepare a membership list and send
a copy of it to the Diocesan Office with the signature of the Vicar before March 1
. Those
who lose primary membership in the organization will also lose their membership in all
the administrative bodies of the organization.
B. Parish Unit
1. All the members of the Sevika Sanghom will form the General Body of the parish
and the Vicar or Assistant Vicar as delegated by the Vicar will be the President.
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The General Body should approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and
2. Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer shall be elected from the General Body.
3. Committee members are elected as per the need and size of the parish.
4. Two Auditors (non- committee members) are elected from the General Body to
audit the accounts.
5. The term of the committee and auditors shall be for one year.
6. Representative/s to the Region from each parish (one representative up to 150
members and two representatives above 150 members) is/are to be elected
from the General Body for a term of three years.
7. Secretary of the parish unit will be the representative of Sevika Sanghom in the
Executive Committee of the parish.
C. Center Sevika Sanghom
1. General Body:
The parish units of a Center of the Diocese will form the Center Sevika Sanghom.
Each Center should have its own general body comprising of members of Sevika
Sanghom of the parishes coming under the Center.
2. Duties of the General Body:
(a) The election of the office bearers of the Center.
(b) To Approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and budget.
3. Center Committee:
The Center Committee, which comprises of all the Vicars and Secretaries of the
parish Sevika Sanghom of the Center and the office bearers of the Center
Committee and the representative to the Regional Committee.
1. Office Bearers shall be elected from the General Body of the center. They
are President (clergy), Vice-President (lay), Secretary, and Treasurer
2. A representative to the Regional Committee shall be elected from the
General Body of the Center.
3. Two Auditors (non- committee members) shall be elected from the
General Body to audit the accounts.
4. The term of the Center office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
5. The office bearers of the center and the representative from the center to
the Diocesan Sevika Sanghom shall not hold any office for more than two
consecutive terms.
4. Duties of Center Committee:
a. To execute the decisions of the General Body
b. To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trips
and other appropriate programs.
c. To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan
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d. To present the reports, audited accounts, and budget in the General Body for
5. President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the smooth
functioning of the organization.
6. Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
7. Secretary: Center Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body and the
Center Committee. The Secretary will present the annual report, keep the
records, and do the correspondence.
8. Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and annual
budget in the General Body. Treasurer will do the money transactions as per the
directives of the General Body.
D. Regional Sevika Sanghom
1. General Body:
Different Centers of the Diocese together will constitute the Regional Sevika
Sanghom. Each Region should have its own General Body and shall function
independently under the guidance and direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
2. Membership:
Center Presidents (Clergy), Center Vice Presidents (Lay), Vicars, Assistant
Vicars, Center Sevika Sanghom Secretaries, Parish Sevika Sanghom
Secretaries, and Representative/s from each parish to the Region (one
representative up to 150 members and two representatives above 150
3. Term of Office:
The term of the Regional General Body will be for three years co-terminus
with the Diocesan Assembly. The General Body shall meet once a year.
4. Duties of the General Body
(a) To approve and pass annual report, annual audited accounts, budget.
(b) To elect the regional office bearers and committee.
(c) To chalk out programs.
5. Regional Committee:
(a) The Regional Committee, which comprises of the President (Clergy
appointed by the Diocesan Bishop) Vice- President (Lay - elected by
General Body), Regional Secretary (elected by General Body), Regional
Page | 28
Treasurer (elected by General Body), Center Secretaries, and One
representative from each center.
(b) Two Auditors (non-committee members) shall be elected from the
General Body to audit the accounts.
(c) The term of the Regional office bearers and auditors shall be for three
(d) The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
6. Duties of the Regional Committee:
a. To execute the decisions of the General Body
b. To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission
trip and other appropriate programs.
c. To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan
7. President: President of the Region will guide the activities and give advice
for the smooth functioning of the organization.
8. Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
9. Regional Secretary: Regional Secretary will be the Secretary of the General
Body and the Regional Committee. When conveners are not elected for sub-
committees, the Regional Secretary will be the convener for those sub-
committees. The Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records, and
do the correspondences.
10. Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. The Treasurer will do the money
transactions as per the directives of the General Body.
E. Diocesan Sevika Sanghom
Different regions of the Diocese together will constitute the Diocesan Sevika
Sanghom. It has a General Body and council that function under the guidance and
direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
1. Assembly of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom:
The Assembly of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom consists of the Diocesan Bishop,
Diocesan Secretary (Ex Officio), Regional Presidents (Clergy) and Regional Vice
presidents (Lay), Regional Secretaries, and Regional Treasurers and two
members nominated by the Diocesan Bishop.
2. Duties of the Diocesan Sevika Sanghom:
(a) To elect the Council of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom
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(b) The General Body (Assembly of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom) shall approve the
report, budget, and accounts by circulation and mail vote.
3. Council of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom:
a. Consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (Ex. Officio), the Vice
President (clergy appointed by the Diocesan Bishop), Diocesan Secretary of
the Sevika Sanghom, Diocesan Treasurer of the Sevika Sanghom and
the representative to the Diocesan Assembly elected by the Assembly
of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom.
b. The Assembly of the Sevika Sanghom shall elect two Auditors (non-
committee members) to audit the accounts.
c. The term of the Assembly and Council will be for three years co terminus
with the Diocesan Assembly.
4. Duties of the Council of Diocesan Sevika Sanghom:
(a) To coordinate the activities of the regions and to organize programs on a
national level.
(b) To take steps to vitalize Parish, center and Regional units.
(c) President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
(d) Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President can
preside over the meetings, as per the direction of the President.
(e) Secretary: Will be the Secretary of the General Body and the Diocesan Sevika
Sanghom Council. When conveners are not elected for sub-committees, the
Secretary will be the convener for those sub-committees. The Secretary will
present the annual report, keep the records, and do the correspondences.
(f) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Money transaction will be as per the
directive of the General Body.
IV. Quorum and Vacancies:
a. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the
total members.
b. If a member of the committee absents from attending three meetings
consecutively without giving apology or valid reasons such person will lose
her position in the committee.
c. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective bodies
by election or nomination, for the remaining term.
V. General Matters:
a. Each Region will have to pay a fixed amount as directed by the Diocesan Bishop to
the Diocesan Sevika Sanghom.
b. In matters, which are not mentioned in the by-laws and on disputes, the directive of
the Diocesan Episcopa will be final.
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I. Name of the Organization:
This organization will be known as the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists Association of
the Diocese of North America & Europe and will function as an official organization of
the Diocese of North America & Europe of the Mar Thoma Church. This organization is
affiliated to the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists Association (MTVEA), whose Head
Quarters is in Thiruvalla, Kerala, India.
II. Objectives
1. To prepare every member of the church to testify and witness the salvation in and
through Jesus Christ.
2. To equip every member for Christian fellowship, social action, Christian charity, bible
study, and intercessory prayer.
3. To encourage each member to be involved in the spiritual and social activities and to
associate with those organizations within the church involved in the same mission.
4. To train every member to study bible and to preach along with their regular work.
5. To equip every member to participate in the mission of the church.
6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, mission tours, etc. to create in
every member interest in bible studies, faith and practice of the church, history of the
church and ecumenical relationships.
7. To accomplish the above objectives, MTVEA units are formed in all the parishes.
III. Organizational Set-up
For the effective functioning of the organization the MTVEA is divided into Parish Units,
Centers, Regions and Diocese.
A. Membership
Communicant members of the Mar Thoma Church who are 18 and above and willing to
sign the membership form (fee if necessary can be decided by the Parish) and fulfill the
above objectives will be the members of the MTVEA. The Parish Unit has to be
registered with the MTVEA, Thiruvalla, which will make the members eligible to be
elected to the various offices at the Parish, Center, Regional and Diocesan levels. A
membership register will be kept in the parish and a copy of the membership list will be
given to the Diocesan office, signed by the Vicar, latest by March 1
, every year. Those
Page | 31
who lose primary membership in the organization will also lose their membership in all
administrative bodies of the organization.
B. Parish Unit
1. Vicar, Assistant Vicar and all the members of the MTVEA will form the General
Body of the Parish Unit and the Vicar will be the President. The parish unit will
be known as ‘Parish Mission’. The General Body should approve the annual
reports, audited accounts, and budget.
2. Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected from the General Body.
Committee members are elected as per the need and size of the parish.
3. Two Auditors (non- committee members) shall be elected from the General Body
to audit the accounts.
4. The term of the committee and auditors shall be for one year.
5. Representative/s to the Region from each parish (one representative up to 150
members and two representatives above 150 members) is/are to be elected
from the General Body for a term of three years.
C. Center Voluntary Evangelists Association
1. General Body
The Parish Units of a Center of the Diocese will form the Center Voluntary
Evangelists Association. Each Center should have its own General Body
comprising of members of MTVEA of the Parish Units under the Center.
2. Duties of the General Body
a. To elect office bearers of the Center
b. To approve the annual reports, audited accounts, and budget for each year
3. Center Committee
a. All the Vicars, Assistant Vicars and Secretaries of the registered Parish Units
of the Center and the office bearers form the Center Committee. Office
Bearers shall be elected from the General Body of the Center. They are the
President (Clergy), Vice-President (Lay), Secretary, and Treasurer.
b. Two women members and other committee members (if needed) are elected
from the General Body.
c. One representative to the Regional Committee shall be elected from the
General Body.
d. Two Auditors (non- committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
e. The term of office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
4. Duties of Center Committee
(a) To execute the decisions of the General Body
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(b) To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trips
and other appropriate programs
(c) To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan Episcopa
(d) To present the reports, audited accounts, and budget in the General Body for
(e) President: The president will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
(f) Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
(g) Secretary: Center Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body and
the Center Committee. The Secretary shall present the annual report, keep
the records, and conduct correspondence of the Center.
(h) Treasurer: Center Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will conduct money
transactions as per the directive of the General Body.
D. Regional Voluntary Evangelists Association
The Centers of the Diocese together will constitute the Regional Voluntary
Evangelists Association. Each Region shall have its own General Body and shall
function independently under the guidance and direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
1. Membership
Presidents of Centers (Clergy), Vice Presidents of Centers (Lay), Vicars, Assistant
Vicars, Secretaries of the Centers, Secretaries of the Parish Units, and the
Regional Representative/s from each Parish Unit (one representative up to 150
members and two representatives above 150 members).
2. Term of Office
The term of the Regional General Body will be for three years co terminus with
the Diocesan Assembly.
Duties of the Regional General Body
a) To approve and pass annual report, annual audited accounts, budget
b) To elect the Regional office bearers and committee
c) To chalk out programs
3. Regional Committee
1. The Regional Committee, which comprises of the President (Clergy,
appointed by Diocesan Bishop), Vice-President (Lay - elected by General
Body), Regional Secretary (elected by General Body), Regional Treasurer
(elected by General Body), Center Secretaries and the elected Regional
representative from each Center.
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2. Two Auditors (non-committee members) shall be elected from the General
Body to audit the accounts.
3. The term of the office bearers and auditors shall be for three years.
4. The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
4. Duties of the Regional Committee
(a) To execute the decisions of the General Body
(b) To organize conferences, retreats, camps, seminars, workshops, mission trip
and other appropriate programs.
(c) To initiate projects and programs with the approval of the Diocesan Bishop
(d) President: The President will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
(e) Lay Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Lay Vice President
can preside over the meetings, as directed by the President.
(f) Regional Secretary: Regional Secretary will be the Secretary of the General
Body and the Regional Committee. When conveners are not elected for sub-
committees, the Regional Secretary will be the convener for those sub-
committees. The Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records,
and conduct correspondence of the Region
(g) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body. Treasurer will conduct money
transactions as per the directive of the General Body.
E. Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association
The Regions of the Diocese will constitute the Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists
Association. It has a General Body and a Council that will function under the
guidance and direction of the Diocesan Bishop.
1. Assembly of Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association
Assembly of Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association consists of the Diocesan
Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (Ex Officio), Regional Presidents (Clergy), Regional
Vice Presidents (Lay), Regional Secretaries, Regional Treasurers and two
members nominated by the Diocesan Bishop.
2. Duties of the Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association
1. To elect the Council of Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association
2. The approve the report, budget, and accounts by circulation and mail vote
3. Council of Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association
(a) Consists of the Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (Ex-officio), Vice
President (Clergy appointed by the Diocesan Bishop), Diocesan Secretary of
the association, Diocesan Treasurer of the association and the representative
to the Diocesan Assembly elected by the Assembly of Diocesan Voluntary
Evangelists Association.
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(b) The Assembly of the Association will elect two Auditors (non-committee
members) to audit the accounts from the Assembly of Diocesan Voluntary
Evangelists Association.
(c) The term of the Assembly and Council will be for three years co terminus
with the Diocesan Assembly.
4. Duties of the Council of Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association
(a) To coordinate the activities of the Regions and to organize programs on a
national level.
(b) To take steps to vitalize Parish, Center and Regional units.
(c) President: The President will guide the activities and give advice for the
smooth functioning of the organization.
(d) Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall
preside over the meetings as directed by the President.
(e) Secretary: Secretary will be the Secretary of the General Body (Assembly of
Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association) and the Council of Diocesan
Voluntary Evangelists Association. When conveners are not elected for sub-
committees, the Secretary will be the convener for those sub-committees.
The Secretary will present the annual report, keep the records, and conduct
(f) Treasurer: The Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts and
annual budget in the General Body (Assembly of Diocesan Voluntary
Evangelists Association). Treasurer will conduct money transactions as per
the directive of the General Body.
IV. Quorum & Vacancies
1. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the total
2. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective bodies by
election or nomination, for the remaining term.
V. General Matters
1. Each Region will have to pay a fixed amount as directed by the Diocesan Bishop to
the Diocesan Voluntary Evangelists Association.
2. In matters, which are not mentioned in the by-laws and dispute, the directive of the
Diocesan Episcopa will be final.
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I. Name:
The name of this organization in this Diocese will be The Mar Thoma Choir of Diocese of
North America & Europe.
II. Aim:
a. To improve the quality of worship through singing and music in Parishes.
b. To organize workshops and training in Parish, Center, Regional, and Diocesan levels
as needed.
III. Organizational Set-up:
A. Choir in Parishes
There shall be only one Choir in the Parish and it may have two wings - Malayalam
and English. The Choir shall be registered with the Department of Sacred Music and
Communications and only such registered choirs can send their representative to
the Executive Committee of the parish. A copy of the registered membership list
signed by the Vicar should be sent to the Diocesan office every year.
B. Audition
Selection to the Choir shall be done through a process of audition. The Vicar in
consultation with the parish Executive Committee shall conduct audition. Matters
relating to audition shall be announced in the church for two consecutive Sundays
prior to the date of audition and published on the notice board. The Vicar shall
select two songs. The candidate shall sing one of these songs as per the decision of
the judges. The candidate shall sing an additional song of his/her choice from among
the Hymnal used in the respective parish. If there are more hymnals used in the
parish the Vicar shall identify the one hymnal to be used. The two songs shall be
separately judged and the total score shall be taken for ranking. A candidate should
score a minimum of 40% marks in the audition test. Those who secured less than
40% will lose their membership. Separate rank list will be prepared for men and
women. Judges will be selected from outside the parish by the Vicar. There shall be
a minimum of two judges for audition. Judges’ decision will be final in audition.
C. Membership
Any member of the parish of the age 9 and above can apply for audition. The Vicar
shall finalize the total number of choir members based on the availability of
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members, total number of families in the parish and the seating facility in the
Sanctuary. The Vicar shall give membership to the choir from the rank list as per
the need. Vacancies shall be filled in from the rank list. The term of the choir is for
five years and the rank list is valid only for five years. At the expiration of the rank
list, audition should be conducted to form the new choir. The total number of choir
members should be decided by the choir committee and it shall be announced in the
parish before audition. If there is a need for adding new members in the choir in
between the five-year term, the Vicar can conduct audition. However, the term of
the new members will expire with the existing rank list. Vicar shall keep all records
regarding the selection process for the tenure of the Choir. Members who are
absent three times consecutively without valid reasons and who do not have 70%
attendance per year can be removed from the choir by the Vicar. Attendance shall be
recorded by the Choir secretary and periodically signed by the Vicar. Vicar can give
leave for a member on special request up to three months. Requests to exceed three
months leave shall be decided by the Vicar in consultation with the Diocesan Bishop.
If the choir committee thinks, the membership of a member should be cancelled for
valid reasons it can be reported to the Vicar and the Vicar can take a decision in
consultation with the Diocesan Bishop about his or her membership. Those who
lose their primary membership in the organization will also lose their membership
in all the administrative bodies of the organization.
D. Choir General Body and Committee
The members of the choir shall meet together to elect the committee members and
an auditor in the first meeting as soon as the Vicar forms the choir. The term shall be
for one year.
1. The Parish Choir Committee consists of President (Vicar), Assistant Vicar, Choir
Leaders (one each from Malayalam and English wing), Joint Leaders (one each from
Malayalam and English wing), Secretary, Treasurer, one committee member for
each ten members from both genders. If the Choir leader is a male the Joint leader
must be a female and vice versa.
2. Two Auditors (non committee members) to audit the accounts.
3. The choir committee shall meet at least twice a year and the general body shall meet
at least once a year.
4. The committee shall plan and execute programs for the year. The committee shall
present the annual report, annual accounts and budget for the approval of the
general body.
5. The quorum shall be one third
of the total members. In case of vacancies, the seat
will be filled by the respective bodies by election or nomination, for the remaining
6. Choir Leader/Secretary shall be the representative in the executive committee of
the parish. The same person cannot be elected as the representative to the Executive
committee consecutively for more than three years.
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7. A member of an affiliated choir is not allowed to sing in another choir for
competitions, etc.
E. Centre General Body and Committee
1. The Center Choir General Body consists of all Vicars, Assistant Vicar, the Choir
Leaders and Choir Secretaries of the Parish in that Center. The Center Choir General
Body shall elect the Center Committee members and the Auditors.
2. The Center Committee consists of Center President (Clergy), Center Choir Secretary,
Treasurer and one representative to the Regional Committee from among the choir
3. Two Auditors (non committee members) to audit the accounts.
4. The Center Committee shall meet once in a year to discuss and approve the annual
report, annual accounts and budget, and/or other matters.
5. The quorum shall be one third
of the total members. In case of vacancies the seat
will be filled by the respective bodies by election or nomination, for the remaining
6. The term of the Center Choir Committee shall be three years co - terminus with the
Diocesan Assembly.
F. Regional General Body and Regional Committee
1. The Regional General Body shall consist of all Center Choir Presidents, Center Choir
Secretaries, and the Regional Choir representative of the constituent centers. The
Regional Choir General Body elects the Regional Choir Committee and the Auditors.
2. The Regional Choir Committee consists of President (Clergy appointed by the
Diocesan Bishop), Secretary, Treasurer, and a Regional Choir Coordinator (from
among the Regional representatives).
3. Two Auditors (non-committee members) to audit the accounts.
4. The Regional Committee shall meet once a year to discuss and approve the annual
report, annual accounts and budget.
5. The quorum shall be one third
of the total members. In case of vacancies the seat
will be filled by the respective bodies by election or nomination, for the remaining
6. The term of the Regional Choir Committee shall be three years co - terminus with
the Diocesan Assembly.
G. Diocesan General Body
1. Diocesan General Body shall consist of Diocesan Bishop, Diocesan Secretary (ex-
officio), Regional Presidents (clergy), Regional Secretaries, and Regional Choir
Coordinators. The Diocesan General Body shall elect the Diocesan committee and
the Auditors
2. The Diocesan Committee shall consist of Diocesan Bishop (President), Clergy Vice
President (appointed by Diocesan Bishop), Diocesan Secretary (ex-officio), Diocesan
Choir Secretary, Treasurer, and the representative to the Diocesan Assembly elected
by the general body of the Choir.
3. Two Auditors (Non Committee members) to audit the accounts.
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4. The Diocesan General Body shall approve the annual report, budget, and accounts by
circulation and mail vote.
5. The term shall be three years co terminus with the Diocesan Assembly. All elections
on the Diocesan level may be by mail vote.
6. If there is no women representation in the Center, Regional and the Diocesan levels,
the Diocesan Bishop shall nominate a person to each level with voting right from
among the choir members of the parishes.
IV. Quorum and Vacancies
1. Quorum: The quorum of all the administrative bodies shall be one third
of the total members.
2. Vacancies: In case of vacancies the seat will be filled by the respective
bodies by election or nomination, for the remaining term
V. Disputes
If necessary, the Vicar can suspend the function of the choir in consultation with the
Diocesan Bishop.
If necessary, the Vicar can dismiss the existing choir and form a new choir through
audition in consultation with the Diocesan Bishop.
The Diocesan Bishop shall dispense any disputes and it shall be final.
For matters that are not mentioned in the bylaws, the decisions and the directive of
the Diocesan Bishop will be the final.