Sunday School


Welcome to St Stephens Mar Thoma Church Sunday school e-home! We are so glad that you took the time to visit us today.

As we begin a new year, I wanted to take this opportunity to say how proud I am to be part of this Sunday School. We have a vibrant and growing Sunday School. Our kids are enthusiastic and eager to learn the word of God. Our teachers are energized with the Holy Spirit and have set high standards for the kids. I remember my Sunday School days both in India and America. The stories and lessons I learnt have made me a better Christian. I would like each of our Sunday School students to take this oath and try to live up to it.

  1. I will serve the Lord
  2. I will obey and honor my parents
  3. I will not lie or cheat
  4. I will pray each night before going to sleep
  5. I will come to Sunday school prepared for the lesson
  6. Please feel free to contact Sunday school Superintendent, or teachers for any additional questions or concerns.

All praise to God, for without him we are nothing.

Sunday school Superintendent